Epsom Salts
This bath product is great at pulling out excess water and toxins from the body, as the salts contain both sulfate and magnesium which work to remove toxins and can even help to heal minor injuries. By detoxifying your body and removing excess water, Epsom salts can even assist in your weight loss goals for the new year! To help you detox, add one tablespoon of Epsom salts in your bath, and try to take a bath every day for about a week in order to see increased benefits.
If you choose to use Epsom salts regularly, you can gradually increase the quantity you add to your bath to two cups to really see the detoxifying effects. Just make sure to keep this increase gradual – if you start off by using 2 cups of Epsom salts, you may experience some side effects such as mood swings, irritability, and hyperactivity.
Oxygen Detox Bath
After the holiday season, our immune system can be a bit run down due to stress, lack of sleep, and interacting with so many different people at parties or while traveling. A detoxifying oxygen bath can be incredibly beneficial in this scenario, as it will help clear congestion and alleviate any minor aches you might have in your muscles and joints.
For this bath, add two cups of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of dried ginger powder to warm bath water and soak for at least 20-30 minutes to enjoy the cleansing and healing effects. If this bath becomes part of your regular routine, you can gradually increase the amount of hydrogen peroxide and ginger that you use to achieve greater results.
Use a Bath Brush
The cold, dry winter weather can do a number on your skin, as can the general dehydration that sometimes comes along with the holiday season due to increased alcohol consumption. Using a shower brush, particularly one with natural boar bristles, can help remove dead skin cells and smooth out any patches of rough skin. Make this a regular part of your new year routine and you’ll have healthy, young-looking skin in no time!
Essential Oils
While also a great product to use for de-stressing and relaxing, essential oils are also wonderful for aiding in detoxifying the body. One particularly great essential oil to use during the stressful and exhausting holiday season is peppermint. This oil will help you combat fatigue and ease your mind, allowing you to indulge in a bit of well-deserved “me time”! Simply add a few drops or a capful into warm bath water and enjoy!
New Year’s Eve can be a lot of fun, but our bodies need a bit of a detox afterwards. Try some of these detoxifying solutions to get 2016 off to a great start!