The term “inspiration” originates from the word “inspire,” meaning to breathe. Breathing, when done to correctly, is helpful to our overall health and physical functioning. Breathing exercises are performed in many meditative practices as well as Yoga, and the basic approach can help you get rid of the stress that can lead to disease, illness, and even obesity. Basic breathing, when done correctly, is a great way to reduce anxiety and keep you focused or on track – able to handle any challenge in life that may come your way.
Learning How to Breathe Properly – Why It is Important
One proverb states that the nose is used for breathing and the mouth is designed for eating. If you remember that adage, it will help you to better comprehend the dynamics of taking a proper breath. We take as many as 25,000+ breaths each day. With that many intakes per day, learning how to breathe the right way is essential to our well-being.
Breathe Through Your Nose
When you regularly breathe through the nose, you open up the nostrils so they can effectively filter the germs or viruses coming into your system. People who breathe through their mouth receive more in the way of colder, dry unfiltered air. Therefore, breathing through the nose enables the lungs to work more compatibly. Typically, if you have been breathing through your mouth, it will take about two to three days of nose breathing to become acclimated to the process.
Breathing During Meditation
When you inhale, you should breathe through the nose. Again, this should be the way you normally breathe. If, however, you are a mouth breather, it may take a while for you to make this adjustment. When you breathe during meditation, the breath should go in through the nose and out through the mouth. Expand the stomach as you breathe in. Then, let the breath out slowly through the mouth.
Make Use of Your Diaphragm
The air that is channeled through the nose travels down to the stomach. The breathing muscles themselves are located in the chest, abdomen, shoulders, neck and diaphragm. About 80% of inhaling then should be collaborated with the diaphragm. By using this approach, the gas exchange in the lungs is done with better efficiency. In addition, the activity causes the diaphragm to maintain a rhythmic balance, thereby massaging your insides in the process.
Why Deep Breathing is Better for Your Well-Being
The lymphatic system, which assists in immune system functioning, is better able to eliminate waste from your body when deep breathing becomes a habit. In addition, the pressure on the stomach and heart is reduced. As a result, the heart does not have to work as vigorously. As the chest becomes more relaxed, the shoulders and neck follow suit producing an overall more serene and amenable feeling throughout your body. Breathing properly also entails relaxed inhaling. Breathing reflects one’s feelings, thoughts and emotions. By learning relaxation techniques, you can avoid stressed or improper breathing. Taking in stressed breaths lessens the oxygen content and causes the body and brain to feel more anxious. When you breathe properly, you will breathe rhythmically. It is through rhythmic breathing that we discover well-being. When all is in tune in your body, you feel at peace and non-stressed.
Breathe Silently + Speak Slowly
Breathing, when done properly, should also be silent. When sighing or coughing are part of the process, an irregular breathing pattern results. Before a sigh or a cough, you usually will take a bigger breath – one that leads to discord in the breathing pattern. Some people breathe faster whenever they speak as well. This habit affects how we breathe. Learning to speak at a slower pace can also help how we breathe.
Extend Exhaling to Optimize the Breathing Process
In order to breathe properly, breathe through the nose and remain cognizant of the pattern. Extend exhaling to increase relaxation and deepen inhalation. Inhaling should last about 2 seconds and exhaling should last about twice as long, followed by a 2-second pause. Again, an extended exhale is helpful in deepening the breaths during inhalation. Be aware of your body – proper breathing can be better facilitated when the body is calm and relaxed.