Summer should be relaxing, right? The sun is shining, the beach is beckoning, and mid-week happy hour is totally acceptable. Unfortunately, however, summer can be a time when we overbook ourselves, scramble to entertain our kids while they’re home from school, and completely stress out while planning the “perfect” family vacation. But you can avoid the anxiety and stay calm this summer by following these great relaxation tips!
Schedule Some ‘Me Time’
It’s important to look after your mental and physical well-being, so don’t be hesitant about scheduling some time to relax and treat yourself! Just as you would make a date with a friend or partner, make a date to spend some time with yourself! Try to set aside at least 1-2 hours per week that are just for you, and be sure to schedule them just as you would any appointment. That way, you’re less likely to skip out on ‘me time’!
So what does ‘me time’ consist of? Essentially, it’s a time for you to spend alone, doing something that relaxes you: this can include taking a long and luxurious bath, practicing yoga at sunrise or sunset, reading a book by the pool, or anything else that helps you chillax and alleviate the stress and anxiety of everyday life! It’s important to decompress, ideally every day but at least a couple times a week, in order to re-center yourself and get back to being the best you can be.
Indulge a Bit
Another great way to stay stress-free this summer is to allow yourself to indulge a bit – you’re worth it! So often we feel guilty for indulging – whether it be in a new outfit, a beautiful piece of jewelry, or that second glass of wine – but we shouldn’t! A little indulgence now and then reminds us that we are worth splurging on.
Having a bit of retail therapy or a slice of chocolate cake now and again is also a reminder that everything is good in moderation. When we are fixated on keeping a strict budget, scheduling our time, or counting calories, we become stressed out and anxious. Giving yourself the freedom to indulge every now and again is a simple way to relax and soak up the little luxuries life has to offer.
Don’t Be Afraid to Delegate
With the kids home from school, life can become incredibly hectic: you may be able to get them into various summer camps or sign them up for other activities, but ultimately there will be days or weeks when they are at home for long stretches of time. This can add even more stress when both you and your partner work, as many day camps do not offer lunches or buses – so someone is going to make sure your kids have a packed lunch and a ride to and from camp!
To help stay stress-free, assign lunch-making duties to your oldest child(ren). Packing a lunch might be a novelty for them, and if you put out all of the elements, they will relish the opportunity to pack their own lunch. In addition, try to sign your children up for camps that their friends and neighbors are in, then get an alternating carpool organized among the parents so no one has to drive every day. A little delegating goes a long way in staying stress-free!